World Renowned Dredging Equipment Supply Company
Ellicott® Dredges, one of the oldest and most successful dredging equipment companies in the world, has been supplying dredging equipment to governments, municipalities, contractors, sand and gravel operators, port authorities, and marina operators for over 125 years.
Beach Restoration
Canal Dredging
Coastal Protection
Ecosystem Restoration
Fly Ash Dredging
Lake Dredging
Land Reclamation &
Island Creation
Maintenance Dredging
Marina Dredging
Mining Dredge
Navigation Dredging
Port and Harbor Dredging
Reservoir Dredging
River Dredging
Sand Dredger
Sand & Gravel Dredging
Tailings Dredging
Keywords: dredge, dredging supply, dredge equipment, dredges, harbor dredging, dragado, lake maintenance, dragas, mining dredge, used dredges, portable dredge, the word for dredge is Ellicott